Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion: An International Conference on Health Promotion
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- Pharmacy Resource: Charter
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Health Promotion Glossary, 1998 Version
The WHO Health Promotion Glossary was written to facilitate understanding, communication and cooperation among those engaged in health promotion at the local, regional, national and global levels.
WHO Health Promotion Glossary: new terms
In the following update, published in Health Promotion International, 10 new terms are presented.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Glossary
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World Health Organization | Health promotion
Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions.
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National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidance
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) provides national guidance and advice to improve health and social care.
Our guidance can be used by the NHS, local authorities, employers, voluntary groups and anyone else involved in delivering care or promoting wellbeing.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Guidance
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Public Health England
Our mission is to protect and improve the nation’s health and to address inequalities.
PHE is an executive agency of the Department of Health
We are responsible for:
- making the public healthier by encouraging discussions, advising government and supporting action by local government, the NHS and other people and organisations
- supporting the public so they can protect and improve their own health
- protecting the nation’s health through the national health protection service, and preparing for public health emergencies
- sharing our information and expertise with local authorities, industry and the NHS, to help them make improvements in the public’s health
- researching, collecting and analysing data to improve our understanding of health and come up with answers to public health problems
- reporting on improvements in the public’s health so everyone can understand the challenge and the next steps
- helping local authorities and the NHS to develop the public health system and its specialist workforce
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Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Update and way forward
The White Paper Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Our strategy for public health in England set out a bold vision for a reformed public health system in England. This policy statement sets out the progress we have made in developing that vision and identifies those issues where further development is needed, and a timeline for this work.
Our Health and Well-Being Today
This document accompanies the Public Health White Paper, Healthy Lives, Healthy People, and is a review of the evidence on the health and wellbeing of people in England today. It has informed the Government’s new approach and the proposed outcomes framework for public health.
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- Pharmacy Resource: White Paper and Document
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Public Health Wales
Public Health Wales is one of the 11 organisations which makes up NHS Wales. We are the national public health agency in Wales.
We work to protect and improve health and well-being and reduce health inequalities for the people of Wales.
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NHS Health Scotland
NHS Health Scotland is a national Health Board working to reduce health inequalities and improve health.
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HSC Public Health Agency
The Public Health Agency (PHA) was established in April 2009 as part of the reforms to Health and Social Care (HSC) in Northern Ireland. We are the major regional organisation for health protection and health and social wellbeing improvement.
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Commissioning and Behaviour Change
Kicking Bad Habits final report
Unhealthy behaviours – smoking, alcohol misuse, poor diet, lack of exercise – lead to ill health, with resulting costs to individuals, to the NHS and to society as a whole.
PCTs are expected to commission support to help people change their behaviour to adopt healthier lifestyles – but what should that support be?
The Kicking Bad Habits programme was launched to identify effective interventions. Drawing on a series of working papers and seminars, this report assesses existing and innovative methods the health service can use to persuade people to adopt healthier lifestyles, including providing information, personal support and financial and other incentives.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Publication
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Using Information to Promote Healthy Behaviours
This paper, Using Information to Promote Healthy Behaviours, considers what theory can tell us about the role of information in behaviour change programmes that target diet, smoking, drinking, drug use and safe sex behaviours, and reviews selected evidence of interventions working in practice.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Paper
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Motivation and confidence: What does it take to change behaviour?
The paper considers the influence of an individual’s motivation and confidence in modifying their health behaviours and summarises the evidence of effectiveness from reviews of behavioural interventions. The paper focuses on interventions that are designed to promote people’s motivation and confidence to quit smoking, to become more physically active and to eat a healthier diet.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Paper
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Institute of Health Equity
The UCL Institute of Health Equity was established in 2011 and is led by Professor Sir Michael Marmot.
The aim is to develop and support approaches to health equity and build on work that has assessed, measured and implemented approaches to tackle inequalities in health – works such as the ‘WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health’ and ‘Fair Society Healthy Lives’ (The Marmot Review).
Since 2011, the Institute has led and collaborated on works to address the Social Determinants of Health and improve health equity.
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Population Screening Programmes
The UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) advises ministers and the NHS in the 4 UK countries about all aspects of population screening and supports implementation of screening programmes
NHS abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) programme
NHS diabetic eye screening (DES) programme
NHS fetal anomaly screening programme (FASP)
NHS infectious diseases in pregnancy screening (IDPS) programme
NHS newborn and infant physical examination (NIPE) screening programme
NHS newborn blood spot (NBS) screening programme
NHS newborn hearing screening programme (NHSP)
NHS sickle cell and thalassaemia (SCT) screening programme
Screening and quality assurance (all programmes)
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Professional Standards for Public Health Practice for Pharmacy
For pharmacists and pharmacy teams working in England and Wales
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) is delighted to publish Professional Standards for Public Health Practice for Pharmacy. These standards provide a framework to support pharmacists and their teams to improve public health services, and shape future services and pharmacy roles to deliver quality patient care and improve health outcomes.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Standards
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Public Health
a practical guide for community pharmacists
This guide explains the broader concept of public health in more detail and outlines the potential contribution that community pharmacists can make to this agenda. It also describes what steps community pharmacists can take to increase their involvement and contribution to public health at a local level in collaboration with other public health colleagues.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Guide
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The NHS Health Check is a health check-up for adults in England aged 40 to 74. It’s designed to spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia.
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The Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice e-learning project (Alcohol IBA) helps professionals with identifying those individuals whose drinking might be impacting on their health and delivering simple, structured advice. It has been developed in partnership with the Department of Health’s Alcohol Policy Team and e-Learning for Healthcare.
This e-Learning module consists of 5 sessions and an assessment.
01 Facts About Alcohol
02 About Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice
03 Tools For Identifying Alcohol Misuse
04 Clinical Approach To Brief Advice
05 Practising Brief Advice
06 Assessment
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- Pharmacy Resource: CE / CPD / Learning
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The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
Guidelines for Use in Primary Care
This manual introduces the AUDIT, the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, and describes how to use it to identify persons with hazardous and harmful patterns of alcohol consumption. The AUDIT was developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a simple method of screening for excessive drinking and to assist in brief assessment. It can help in identifying excessive drinking as the cause of the presenting illness.
This manual is written primarily for health care practitioners, but other professionals who encounter persons with alcohol-related problems may also find it useful. It is designed to be used in conjunction with a companion document that provides complementary information about early intervention procedures, entitled “Brief Intervention for Hazardous and Harmful Drinking: A Manual for Use in Primary Care”. Together these manuals describe a comprehensive approach to screening and brief intervention for alcohol-related problems in primary health care.
Brief Intervention for Hazardous and Harmful Drinking: A Manual for Use in Primary Care
This manual is written to help primary health care workers – physicians, nurses, community health workers, and others – to deal with persons whose alcohol consumption has become hazardous or harmful to their health.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Manuals
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Health Professional | Cancer Research UK
Keep up to date with the latest statistics, evidence and information on diagnosing, treating and preventing cancer.
You can also find professional tools and early diagnosis campaigns and activities that can support your work.
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The British Nutrition Foundation is a registered charity. We provide impartial, evidence-based information, resources and training on food and nutrition.
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The British Dietetic Association Food Facts
Our Food Fact Sheets are written by dietitians to help you learn the best ways to eat and drink to keep your body fit and healthy.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Factsheets
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British Heart Foundation Publications
We produce hundreds of free publications, leaflets, DVDs and more for heart patients, their families and people who want to learn more about living healthily.
We also have resources for healthcare professionals and other people who work in heart health.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Publications
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Smokefree is a public health campaign initiated and supported by Public Health England, an executive agency of the Department of Health
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- Pharmacy Resource: Various
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Your guide to pregnancy, labour and birth and early parenthood up to 8 weeks
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National Travel Health Network and Centre
We were set up by the Department of Health in 2002 with the broad aim of Protecting the Health of British Travellers. We seek to improve the quality of travel health advice given by GP practices, travel clinics, pharmacies and other healthcare providers, and provide up-to-date and reliable information for the traveller, travel industry and national government.
- Source: nathnacnet
- Pharmacy Resource: Various
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Pharmacy Resources Last Checked: 30/09/2021