Using counselling skills to communicate more effectively
The relationship between the pharmacist and the patient is explored. The use of counselling skills and psychodynamic theory are advocated in order to make the relationship more effective.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Journal Article
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The role of communication skills
developing patient-centred practice in community pharmacies
How can pharmacists develop competency and skills needed in a new approach to the patient? The aim of this article is to discuss the role of communication skills in this process.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Journal Article
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American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Guidelines on Pharmacist-Conducted Patient Education and Counseling
The purpose of this document is to help pharmacists provide effective patient education and counseling.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Guideline
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Counselling and advice on medicines and appliances in community pharmacy practice
The counselling and advice given by the community pharmacist should complement and reinforce information provided by other members of the health care team and present the patient with a further opportunity to ask questions.
These guidelines have been the subject of consultation within pharmaceutical, medical and nursing professions in Scotland and have been welcomed by all three professions.
These Guidelines are aimed at all community pharmacists and it is hoped that they will prove helpful to experienced pharmacists and newly qualified pharmacists alike.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Guideline
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Developing effective communication skills
Find out more information about ‘developing effective communication skills’ and learn more about how you can communicate effectively plus lots more by clicking on the eLearning section and/or the other useful links and resources available on the left-hand side menu.
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- Pharmacy Resource: e-Learning
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Guide To Patient Counselling
Communication is the transfer of information meaningful to those involved. It is the process in which messages are generated and sent by one person and received and translated by another person. However, the meaning generated by the receiver can be different from the sender’s intended message.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Guide
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Counselling, Concordance, and Communication
This booklet is intended to be used as a handbook or guide to the knowledge and skills required in patient counselling in different settings. Additionally, it includes both research-based information and practical tips on providing medicines information services and learning patient counselling skills.
This booklet is targeted to a wide range of pharmacy professionals, such as pharmacy students, recent graduates, pharmacy practice professionals, pharmaceutical societies/organisations and key stakeholders involved in the design of pharmacy curricula and continuing education for practitioners.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Booklet
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Medication adherence: patient education, communication and behaviour
The goals of this article are to address (1) the reasons for non-adherence, (2) the prevalence of medication non-adherence, (3) the consequences of non-adherence, (4) patient behaviour with respect to taking medications and finally, (5) interventions to improve medication adherence.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Journal Article
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Consultation Skills for Pharmacy Practice
This Consultation skills for pharmacy practice website supports you through a learning pathway, as you develop and improve your patient consultation skills.
This website provides you with easy access to a range of resources, including guidance, a set of practice standards, learning options, assessment tools and signposting for additional support. There is also a section offering advice to employers and trainers.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Various
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Many people, even highly literate people, have trouble understanding words used in health care. In some instances, a word may be totally unfamiliar. In other cases, a word may be familiar, but the person may not understand it in a health care context.
Often these kinds of words can be made understandable by explaining them with common words, by an example, or by a visual.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Factsheet
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Discharge Knowledge Assessment Tool
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- Pharmacy Resource: Tool
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Discharge Medication Counseling
How to improve the quality of discharge medication counseling
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- Pharmacy Resource: Video
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Empathy: A Miracle or Nothing at All?
Empathy is a type of understanding. It is not an emotional state of feeling sympathetic or sorry for someone. Nor is it the same as the virtue of compassion. Although compassion may well be your motivation for developing empathy with patients, empathy is not compassion. . . .
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- Pharmacy Resource: Journal Article
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Health Literacy
Report from an RCGP-led health literacy workshop
Research highlighted by the RCGP shows how 43% of UK adults fail to fully understand information that contains text, such as signs in hospital, leaflets and health guides, while one in three adults fails to understand numerical information presented to them.
Health professionals can sometimes overestimate the health literacy of their patients, and patients can feel too embarrassed to ask questions. In addition, doctors often supplement verbal information with a leaflet, presuming that it can be read. This can lead to distress and a lack of understanding for patients.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Report
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Improving Communication Skills of Pharmacy Students Through Effective Precepting
This article reviews the role of the pharmacist preceptor in facilitating development of communication skills for students participating in community advanced pharmacy practice experiences and provides strategies for incorporating communication and collaboration in patient care activities.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Journal Article
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The present document addresses the communication aspect in the light of society’s need for transparent information on the benefits and risks of medicines. It has been prepared in association with patients’ and healthcare professionals’ organisations and the EMEA with the objective of making proposals to further fulfil patients’ and healthcare professionals’ expectations. It focuses on communication on benefits and risks of medicines provided in regulatory information, i.e. product information (summary of product characteristics, labelling and the package leaflet), public assessment report and product safety announcements.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Document
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Research scan: Training professionals in motivational interviewing
This evidence scan was prepared by The Evidence Centre on behalf of the Health Foundation.
Motivational interviewing draws on people’s intrinsic motivation to change their behaviour and improve their health. The skills of the professionals offering motivational interviewing may influence its success. This research scan compiles studies about how to help professionals develop motivational interviewing skills.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Publication
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The Cochrane Collaboration
Cochrane Reviews – Consumer & Communication Strategies
The Cochrane Collaboration is an international, non-profit, independent organisation, established to ensure that up-to-date, accurate information about the effects of healthcare interventions is readily available worldwide. It produces and disseminates systematic reviews of healthcare interventions, and promotes the search for evidence in the form of clinical trials and other studies of the effects of interventions.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Systematic Reviews
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- Pharmacy Resource: Position Statement
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Helping smokers to stop: advice for pharmacists in England
This publication was commissioned by the Health Development Agency (HDA) in collaboration with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and PharmacyHealthLink, but published after the HDA’s functions were transferred to NICE on 1 April 2005. The document aims to support pharmacists and their teams to deliver smoking cessation treatments.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Publication
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Communicating and Language – Alzheimer’s Society
Dementia can make it hard for people to communicate, and this can be upsetting and frustrating for them and those around them. However, there are many ways to help you support and communicate with each other.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Various
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Patient decision aids
These patient decision aids (PDAs) have been developed to help support difficult decisions in which patients need to consider benefits versus risks. Decision aids prepare patients for decision-making by increasing their knowledge about expected outcomes and personal values. The PDAs are based on the best available evidence but are not a substitute for a discussion with a suitably skilled healthcare professional. We hope that their use in such discussions will result in better informed, patient-focused decision-making.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Patient Decision Aids
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Patient decision aids – Video
Communicating risk and benefits in consultations
Here are a some short videos of real GPs using five of our most popular PDAs in realistic, unscripted consultations with simulated patients.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Videos
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A to Z Inventory – Patient Decison Aids – Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
The A to Z Inventory of Decision Aids is designed to help you find a decision aid to meet your needs. It contains up-to-date and available decision aids meet a minimal set of criteria.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Patient Decision Aids
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Decision Aids | Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group
The Musculoskeletal Group has developed the following decision aids using evidence from Cochrane systematic reviews, in collaboration with the The Patient Decision Aids Research Group.
Rheumatoid arthritis
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- Pharmacy Resource: Patient Decision Aids
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Communication of complex medical concepts can be challenging and frustrating. The medical analogy is a valuable tool to bridge the gap between clinician and patient.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Medical Analogies
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American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Statement on the Pharmacist’s Role in Medication Reconciliation
The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) believes that an effective process for medication reconciliation reduces medication errors and supports safe medication use by patients.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Statement
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Medicines Reconciliation Video
This video aims to highlight the role each sector plays in medicines reconciliation, particularly hospital pharmacy.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Video
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Taking a Good Medication History Video
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- Pharmacy Resource: Video
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2012 National Patient Counseling Competition
2013 National Patient Counseling Competition
2014 National Patient Counseling Competition
2015 National Patient Counseling Competition
2016 National Patient Counseling Competition
2017 National Patient Counseling Competition
The goal of the APhA-ASP National Patient Counseling Competition is to encourage student pharmacists in their efforts toward becoming better patient educators.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Videos
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Pharmacist patient counselling demonstration
This example of excellent pharmacy patient counselling shows a Master of Pharmacy student in a simulated counselling session. The student provides information to a patient on adherence and correct technique for asthma medication.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Video
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BPSA McNeil Responding to Symptoms Competition
BPSA and McNeil Responding to Symptoms Competition – 2011
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- Pharmacy Resource: Video
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Introducing Over the Counter Counseling
During the pharmacist-patient encounter, the pharmacist’s obligation is to evaluate the patient’s medical condition, provide proper advice and counsel the patient on the proper course of treatment to be taken. Also by employing effective over the counter (OTC) counseling as the most proper means in a pharmacist/patient communication process and, accordingly, rapport building in the OTC area, the pharmacist needs to demonstrate high energy, enthusiasm, respect, empathy, know-how of sensitive intercultural issues alongside personal appearance, body language, eye contact that all together make his/her personal “signature”.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Journal Article
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The contribution of the Medicines Use Review (MUR) consultation to counseling practice in community pharmacies
This paper aims to contextualise and better understand MUR consultations as they occur in the ‘real world’ setting of pharmacy practice and explores what they may additionally offer over ‘traditional’ patient–pharmacist interactions for prescription and OTC medicines.
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- Pharmacy Resource: Journal Article
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Pharmacy Resources Last Checked: 01/10/2021